Piles & Fissure Treatment

Haemorrhoids or piles refer to the swelling of veins in the anal canal or rectum. Fissures refer to a tear or cut in the anal skin. Haemorrhoids are a common problem nowadays. It is caused mainly due to the inactivity of the rectum leading to strain during passing stool. Eating oily food, spicy food, meat, fast food, and processed foods can trigger haemorrhoids. An anal fissure is also caused primarily by constipation, and chronic diarrhoea. If it is not treated, it leads to complications like pus formation, bleeding, clotting, and uncontrolled bowel gas and movements. Risk factors of developing haemorrhoids and fissures are low fibre diet, vaginal childbirth, minor trauma, hot weather, habitual constipation, and obesity. Treatment for haemorrhoids includes medications like steroids, local anaesthetics, and adopting certain self-care methods like intake of a high fibre diet, ice packs, and cold compression. Procedures that can help get relief from haemorrhoids involve rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, and cauterization. Treatment for anal fissures includes local anaesthetics, laxatives, steroids, and a few lifestyle changes that can help tremendously.